All The Beads, Gemstones and Jewelry You Would Want
The upcoming bead show you don’t wanna miss! The Jacksonville Fall Bead & Jewelry Show kicks off November 9 and runs through November 11, 2018. On Friday and Saturday the event will start at 10 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. On Sunday the show will close a little earlier at 4 p.m..
For more details call 504-265-8830, or email info@aksshow.com.
What To Expect At The Fall Bead Show
The bead show, hosted by AKS Gem Shows, is a wholesale event that is open to the public. At the show you will not only find jewelry and beads, but also beading supplies, findings, pearls, silver, designer cabochons and tools, basically everything you need to make your own jewelry. Of course, here you can also get Swarovski Crystal Beads, charms, gemstone beads and so much more. Retail Shoppers pay only $5 for the entire weekend. Join our mailing list and get a discount off that already low price: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001NxaNIlzsafg7K1trzOe9cQ%3D%3D
What You Need To Know
Children under eight years of are not allowed at the event. Wholesale buyers who preregister will be admitted free of charge. Preregistration allows each wholesale buyer to bring one guest with them. On site registration allows only one person to be admitted without charge. All other guests must pay retail admission. The Jacksonville Fall Bead & Jewelry Show will take place at Morocco Shrine Center at 3800 Johns Bluff Road S. in Jacksonville Florida.