Oklahoma Summer Bead & Jewelry Show ~ July 6, 7, & 8

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Oklahoma Summer Bead & Jewelry Show July 6, 7, & 8, 2018

Show hours: Fri. & Sat. 10 till 6, Sun, 10 till 4

Please call 504-265-8830, or email info@aksshow.com with inquiries.

AKS Gem Shows Oklahoma Summer Jewelry, & Bead Show are wholesale shows OPEN TO THE PUBLIC featuring jewelry, beads, beading supplies, gemstones, findings, pearls. and more.

Wholesale Buyers ~ Wholesale preregistration is now open.  “Click here” to preregister as a wholesale buyer.

You may still register on site with a copy of your state sales tax license. If you preregistered for Winter show, you do not need to register again.  Simply bring your pre-printed wholesale buyer badge with you to the show.  If you lost your badge, you will need to preregister again. Please be sure to bring extra copies of your sales tax id with you to the show.

Retail Shoppers ~ Join our mailing list and receive discount coupons for admission as well as vendor coupons.

We’ve got a great show lined up for this Summer. Fashion jewelry, beads, beading supplies, findings, pearls, silver, and more!


Admission is still only $5 for the entire weekend for the general public. Save more by joining our mailing list.

Join our mailing list by clicking on the link!


  • Baby Boomers ~ handcrafted beaded jewelry
  • Beadiful ~ vintage and contemporary beads & findings
  • Beading House ~ the ‘one stop shop” for all your beading needs
  • CT Chang ~ finished jewelry & beads
  • Dorjee Designs ~ Tibetan jewelry
  • Imperial Gems ~ high end pearls, semi precious stone beads
  • Jade House ~ semi precious stone beads, findings
  • Kingdom Trading ~ beads
  • Perfect Gem ~ gemstone beads
  • Queenly Global Trading ~ beads, findings, jewelry
  • Ro-A-Beads ~ beads & jewelry
  • TC Jewelry ~ beads
  • Tejas Beads ~ gemstone beads
  • Treasure Gallery ~ fine jewelry

Wholesale Buyers who preregister will be admitted free of charge. Wholesale preregistration allows each wholesale buyer to bring one guest with them.  Preregistration closes Wednesday, July 4, 2018.



By Betty Hollrah and Debra Wilson

For more details, or to schedule your class, email Betty at dbbeading@gmail.com

FRIDAY, JULY 6    ~ 11:00

BASIC STRINGING AND WIRE WRAP                        $30

String a basic bracelet and wire-wrap a pair of earrings

Arrive at 10:30 to register and get shopping list of beads for class

Class fee includes instruction and supplies kit fee.

Bead mat and tools will be supplied by instructor.


BASIC PEARL KNOTTING                                                $30

Make a bracelet using basic knotting techniques.

Arrive at 1:30 to register and get shopping list of beads for class

Class fee includes instruction and supplies kit fee.

Bead mat and tools will be supplied by instructor.



BEGINNING  KUMIHIMO                                             $35

Make a bracelet with this Japanese braiding technique.

Arrive at 10:30 to register and get shopping list of beads for class

Class fee includes instruction and supplies kit fee.

Bead mat and tools will be supplied by instructor.

A kit with pre-strung beads may be purchased at additional cost.


LEATHER and BEAD  SINGLE-WRAP BRACELET                      $30

Make  a single-wrap leather and bead bracelet.

Arrive at 1:30 to register and get shopping list of beads for class.

Class fee includes instruction and supplies kit fee with leather, button and  a

Bead  tray  to hold your work on while beading.

You will have the instructions to make  a multi-wrap bracelet.


BEGINNING PEYOTE STITCH                                        $30

SUNDAY JULY 8 ~ 11:00

Choose a pattern to make a peyote stitched ring.

Class fee includes all supplies to make at least one ring. It will offer

Basic instructions to make a flat peyote bracelet with toggle or button and

Loop closure.

***Other classes or repeated classesmay be added to accommodate times for attendees as long as we are available and have table space.

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